Friday, February 4, 2011

So anyway....

OK, so it's Saturday afternoon and I'm getting ready to go to work.

(I need to set the scene a bit better than this and give you a few more details so that when I finally get around to admitting what I did to myself, you'll be able to say...."poor old thing, she must have been tired" etc.)

I've worked three days straight and haven't slept very well, and am horrendously tired (got your sympathy vote yet???)

So anyway......

I've just showered, washed my hair and am dressed in undies, sox, bra and my work shirt and am trying to blow dry my hair.

I've discovered I'm not very good at this.

I have spent my entire life trying not to spend time in the bathroom etc. (low maintenance, that's me!) but the culmination of 40 years of age and having a job for the first time in ten years, kind of requires a little more attention to these details.

So anyway.......

My work shirt is rather cute. It's quite tailored and covered in tiny light/dark green spots.

There is a Woolies logo over the left pocket (a pocket that has a small stitch in it to hold a pen upright in an easy to grab position) and my name tag (which funnily enough says Helen) is also on the pocket and has my locker key hanging off it.

I have a pen in the little upright slot-thing.

This pen has its' lid on.

The lid has quite a sharp end to it.

So anyway....

 I'm trying to blowdry my hair and I think to myself, "If I just hang my head upside down and get a bit of air under it - that should give it some body" blah, blah etc.

So I flip my hair fowards (using the "not so Schwartzkopf" violent swinging motion) and the pen lid goes right up my nose!!

So anyway......


Queen of the Natives said...

i knew it! Was reading this and was thinking Oh No! You poor tired kitten you got my sympathy vote - did you blow blue boogers though? :D

jenb said...

Wow Helen, that was the best laugh i've had all day. Laughing with you of course, not at you. My friend you r a crack up. Love you much and miss you more. Must ring you soon to chat i think.

Kay said...

ha ha ha ha ha................