Monday, September 20, 2021

Mysteriouser and mysteriouser...........

For a long time, I wanted to write a book. Some people told me I should (even after reading my blog!) But as you can obviously tell - procrastination and I are best friends. Even the idea of writing became a sort of torture. It was fraught with so much indecision. What kind of book would I write and indeed, did I actually have anything to say? At first it was going to be a spy novel - the main character was called Hector Black and he was fabulously handsome and incredibly sarcastic. I loved him. But what did I really know about the spy game? I knew I would feature in Hector's life as his sidekick (this is where I get to wear the leather catsuit and high kick the bad guy in the face without even getting sweaty or ruining my high ponytail), but why was I wearing a leather catsuit and why did the bad guy need to be kicked in the face? So many plot irregularities and loop holes... My next choice was to write a book about people. Real people. Aussies who had battled and overcome something and were an inspiration to others. Just your average Joe and the funny twists and turns of life. I love these sorts of people and felt like there were so many amazing untold stories out there just waiting for me to uncover them. Friends of mine would feature as the first story and even inspired the title of the book - "Chicken skin on a safety pin". Their story is about two Bible college students who were very poor but madly in love who got married but had no food in the fridge. They had just enough money for a loaf of bread and one of those delicious supermarket BBQ chickens. They ate chicken sandwiches for a few days and then when there was nothing left but the skin, they found a safety pin and some fishing line and went fishing. The fish found the chicken skin absolutely delicious and they pulled in eneough fish to make dinner for themselves and drop around to their neighbours. Their neighbours had just pulled a whole lot of fresh vegies from their garden which they shared in return for the fish and there were too many vegies for just one couple, so they took them to the neighbour on the other side, who just happened to have baked fresh bread and applie pies.....and so it went that this neighbourhood all shared with each other in good times and bad and created a food co-op that touched many, many lives over the years. Sigh. Fantastic right!!!! But would I really do anybody elses' story justice? Could I capture their personalities properly? Maybe I should just stick to what I know. My own weird, but very wonderful life. I mean, there's quite a lot to catch up on. It's been years since I last wrote here and quite a bit has happened. But a lot of that is old news, so maybe I should just write about the here and now, the daily events that make up my small world. You know - the insightful, heartwarming anecdotes, the wisdom I have gathered from my 51 years on this planet, the DIY masterpeices etc etc. (I know, I laughed at those ideas too!) Maybe I should start with this: why did I find iceblocks in my bathroom sink this morning?............

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