Saturday, July 30, 2011

Do everything......

(Hehehehehehehe - I love, love, love these cartoons!!!)

This is just how I'm feeling today.

I'm not well (got a stupid cold again) and I'm supposed to be singing at church this morning which I was really looking forward to, I'm tired from too little sleep and too much work and I managed to cop the world's crankiest customer yesterday - aaargh I really wanted to tell him to go shop at Coles (and a few other choice things as well) for goodness sake!!! and my bathroom/toilet is just not cleaning itself.....

And it's when you feel like this that other things start getting on top of you - neglected housework, not spending enough time with the kids etc etc - the list goes on.

And Nev is trying so hard to stay on top of things, but I think he is feeling a little overwhelmed too. And unappreciated. and just plain old worn out.

We are trying our best to smile and carry on, but I think both of us just want to climb into bed and pull the doona down over our heads......

Quite often (for me anyway) all of these feeling spiral into the whole "I'm not doing anything right" guilt, guilt, guilt....

(WHAT is with women and guilt anyway........)

So I knew I needed a reminder of everything good and right that is in my life, that everything isn't wasted and indeed will all work out in the end. A reminder of what's important and to keep on putting one foot in front of the other.

Lurking around in my pyjamas this morning I went to the website of one of my favourite singer/songwriters Steven Curtis Chapman and at the bottom of the page there was a little button to play one of his new singles "Do Everything".

I pushed it.

Talk about what I needed!!!! Slapped me right up the back of the head with a resounding "stop being such a prat!!!!

Might need to hear it again later (when I manage to get all "meh" again), but right now I'm off into the beautiful sunshine to thank God for my blessed life, and perhaps, maybe, clean the bathroom/toilet with a smile on my face......

1 comment:

Library girl said...

Totally understand. And isn't it amazing that when you're asking 'what's the point?', it usually jumps up and pokes you right in the eye? Ah, life. Gotta love it!