Sunday, December 20, 2009

What is it about rain? (or maybe it's just my family??......)

Last night it rained, it poured, gutters overflowed and puddles appeared from nowhere. It was a blissful sight after not having it for so long!

When it rains, my family go slightly mad.

For days now, we've been sitting around whingeing about the heat, the lack of green grass, the lawns turning into dustbowls etc etc. So when the raindrops began falling on the roof, a glint appeared in each and every eye.

(In the past when it rains heavily, clothes have been ripped from bodies and left strewn about the floor, and a mad dash is made out into the back garden to "dance betweeen the drops").

But this time, a mad chant began "rain swim, rain swim". This continued until we arrived at our friends' house who have a lovely pool (Nev's work Christmas party - held there because of the heat and everybody being desperate to get cool) but for some reason, nobody wanted to swim??

Except us of course.

There is something wildly exhilerating about swimming while it rains. Why is that?.....

But I did have to laugh at the picture my children made - drenched from the rain, sitting under the big shade umbrella to put on their flippers before jumping into the pool. Why the umbrella?  I guess they didn't want to get wet?? Ha ha ha ha ha

Well, it amused me. Sorry. Need Christmas drink.........


Tamra said...

my girls (still in church dresses) went out in the rain and played for at least half an hour. They would have played for more except I started calling them in. It was such a beautiful rain. I stood outside for about 10 minutes just enjoying it. =)

SF said...

Hmmmmmm.... I AM happy for you, I am, I am, I AM happy for you......

:( :( :( :( I see it is once again raining on you, right now. According to the radar. And once again, it is NOT raining here....

But I am happy for you Hervey Bay folk!!

And I posted something your way today. :) Cos I love you. xo

Mary Witzl said...

I'm from Southern California and I LOVE rain. We used to do this all the time -- run outside with our mouths open, dancing around and hollering our heads off. When it rains here in the summer, I feel just the same.

naughtynanna said...

lol 'rain swim' - we had a standard, groan inducing joke for swimming on a wet day 'you cant, youll get wet' - I thought it was funny!