Sunday, May 15, 2011

Coming to you from a happy place......

Who was it that said "think happy thoughts" - in my scrambled mind I can't work out if it was Peter Pan to the children after he sprinkled them with flying dust or if it was Charlotte to Pig, just before she gave birth to a trillion kiddies and went on to a better web somewhere........

I'll probably find out it was neither of those, just a suggestion of Nev's last week when I was struggling with absolutely everything...


Some weeks are like that. Just the effort of breathing seems to be too much.

But having said that......this week is a new week. That was last week. Last week is gone, gone, gone and replacing it is this brand new week.

So far I haven't stuffed it up too much (it is only 11.30am on Monday) and the days stretching before me are like blank pages in a book.

They are not pre-determined, the story has not been written on them yet.

They lay there dormant and blank, ready and waiting for me to scratch and carve my story across them, bring this book to life so to speak.

OK, OK enough already - no more analogies and deep thought - I think I've wrung that bit dry and it's time to move on to the normal flippancy and insightful rubbish that normally fills this blog.......

So, the next few days are looking pretty good. I am not rostered on to work until Wednesday (It's not that I don't love my job, I just love not going to my job even more).

The house is clean, the minions are at school, the dog has been walked, the lawns are mowed and there is a corned beef in the slow cooker. Washing is done and hung out, and there are glimpses of blue sky leaving me with the feeling that the washing might conceivably dry in the next two or three days.

 I am in a happy place. And I have decided to stay there. And perhaps (just to continue with the stupid book analogy) the next few days will turn into a love story starring Nev and I on an exotic island somewhere or perhaps it will turn into a super cool spy novel where I (wearing a skin tight leather jumpsuit) save the world alongside my hunky sidekick Hector Black (that's the name of my hero should I ever get around to writing a spy novel).......

Most likely it will be the story of a worn out, 40 year old, mother of two, who as she flips open the cover of an exciting new Nelson DeMille book, will get a phone call from Callan at Woolies going "Helen - get your butt down here girl, we need ya".......

Think happy thoughts girl, happy thoughts.........................

1 comment:

Cackers said...

I miss you Helen. I'm glad I finally got around to reading your blog again......