Sunday, November 28, 2010

They're not on to us yet......

Waddayamean I've been living in the past?

Just cause I've been re-hashing over stuff we've done and haven't even attempted an update on what we're actually doing now......

So, here goes.

We have settled in a lovely little seaside town called Victor Harbor. It's about an hour south of Adelaide - it's so cool to be that close to a big city (whoops - I meant sister) and we somehow manage to just pop up there at least once a fortnight.

We see Mum and Dad at least once a week and I don't think they are sick of us yet.

Bwahahahah - they'll find out soon enough.

We are in a cute little cottage up on a hill - right down the road is a fair dinkum castle, complete with 24 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms and 8 kitchens. It's for sale for between $5-8 million. Ellie and Harri want us to buy it so we can turn it into an orphanage.

Speaking of the kidlies, they are both well and are madly trying to catch up on their schoolwork. They have settled back into it really well - it worried me a bit after having three months off! Of course there are days when it's all a bit of an effort, but I reckon we should be back on target in a couple of weeks.

We have decided after excruciating agonisation (good use of English!!!) while travelling, that the kidlies will be off to school next year.

Massive decision. Lots of tears. Mine.

We went and checked out a couple of schools last week - a new little state school of  300 students which was really nice and offered fantastic curriculum - and a Lutheran school with 250 students which was even lovelier and even better curriculum.

Hands down I want Ellie and Harri to go to the Lutheran school but it is just so expensive - $5,500 compared to just $600 for the state school.

We have gone over and over it, but we just can't do it. Especially as I am the only one working at the moment (did I mention I'm a check-out-chick? Heh heh!!).

Nev received a call from the minister of the church we have been going to, who asked Nev to apply for the position of Chaplain at the local high school.

Talk about one out of the box. Nev has never seen himself in this sort of role, so it kind of threw him a bit.

I, and everyone else he has talked to recently, thinks he would be brilliant at it.

So we will see. We will pray and we will be still.

We have been going to the local Baptist church and are very impressed with their commitment to the local community. They are very hands-on and missional focused which is what we really like, and Ellie and Harri have settled into their children's program and made lots of friends.

And they seem to like us.

Bwahahaha - they'll find out soon enough......

P.S. As Harri was getting ready for church this morning, he was struggling to do up the last button on his one and only button-up-shirt. Rolling his eyes, he looks at me and says,"a man can't get comfortable in this here monkey suit"

1 comment:

jenb said...

School huh... Manoah's been asking me to homeschool him, yeah right. Ain't gonna happen. Lovely update, would love to see some photo's of where you live, hint, hint.