Saturday, September 19, 2009


Third term is finito, kaput, over - and although it has been great fun, I seem to be getting tireder each term. Still, I am thankful for the opportunity of homeschooling, and the ways in which it is keeping my family closer together. What I wish for now, is that Nev and I could be together more. I am a very selfish woman when it comes to my husband. I want to be with him as much as I possibly can. I want my children to benefit from being with him, and I want us all to benefit as a family from being together as much as possible.

A friend of ours mentioned the other night, that he would like to start a support group for dreamers - where people are encouraged to dream, share their dreams and then be encouraged to go after their dreams. What a beautiful idea! A bit of a dream of ours, is that Nev would be able to work from home, or that we would be able to work together, or that neither of us would have to work, revelling in our independently wealthy status, travelling the world bringing peace and an end to starvation.

OK, so maybe just being together would be enough! That's what it's all about, isn't it.....

1 comment:

SF said...

Love it!! :) I hear you sister....

And yes I'm feeling better, just that time of the month. :( And yes we do want to keep the bottom of our couch- hence puppy Fern will need to be an outdoor doggy. ;)